Good Books To Read : 3 Book Recommendations from 15 Years Of Reading – Focus24 Book Club

March 3, 2025 | by Faizan

Good Books To Read - Focus24 Book Club


I remember the year 2010 exactly, when winning a speech competition in my school helped me get hooked on books. I was awarded a pack of 7 books as a prize for 1st position in the competition. I don’t remember the titles of all those seven books, but about two I am pretty sure.

One was ‘7 Habits of Highly Effective People’ by Stephen R.Covery, and the other one was ‘How To Win Friends & Influence People’ by Dale Carnegie. These two books are the main culprits for making me a book-addicted, hard-to-reach person.

Not Every Book Is Worth Reading

I don’t know about rest of the readers, but my gut keeps telling me all the time to write a book. The same happens to many of my friends that have read a couple of dozen books in their lives. Assuming that every reader feels like the same, and some of them do write and publish books. Even then there is a hell lot of traffic of books being published and it is very important for readers to decide what books to read and what not.

3 x Books Which I Can’t Stop Recommending

I have been reading on average 20 books a year since 2010 (sometimes more). One of the best favors which I did to myself quite early was keeping the record of the books which I read.

Over the passage of the time I have developed a huge list of books which not only have I read, but have also written my remarks about.

It is not very easy to pick and choose from those, but there are three books on the list that I cannot stop recommending at all. Here are these

How To Win Friends And Influence People by Dale Carnegie

book cover how to win friends and influence people - Focus24 book club

I have read this book at least 5 times since I read it first back in 2010. Initially, it was shocking for me to realize that someone could write such a book, which can literally change someone’s life.

 As human being, we tend to resist the ideas that are not in line with our thought. It takes a lot of effort even from our parents and friends to make us realize that we are wrong at certain things.

However, this book made me realize about a dozen of things that I had been doing wrong. Dale Carnegie has given so many examples in the book from history that one can’t get ahead with the book without having his strong ideas shaken from the roots.

The book is so much of value that it is worth reading over and over again. We often forget how we have to behave around others, and sometimes forget implementing the lessons from ‘How To Win Friends & Influence People’. Therefore, it is very important to keep reading the book over and over again as time passes by.

The Richest Man In The Babylon by George Samuel Clason

book cover 'The richest man in Babylon' focus24 book club

If you had to ask me the simplest, yet the most effective book on finances, I will surely put forward this book.

The book is so small that you can finish it cover to cover in one sitting, yet the lessons you will get out of it will remain with you forever.

Richest Man In The Babylon is over a century old book, but the principles it preaches are as relevant as those were back then. The book is in a story form about a person who teaches people in the Babylon City about finances. He shows them the principles that made him rich over the period of time.

Klara & The Sun Novel by Kazuo Ishiguro

book cover 'Klara and the sun' - focus24 book club

I am completely a non-fiction guy. My complete reading history has revolved around reading non-fiction. I happened to read this book because the author of the book had been awarded ‘Nobel Prize in Literature’.

However, having read this Novel, I have changed my flavor of reading a lot. More often than not, I pick up novels and other fiction.

However, having read this Novel, I have changed my flavor of reading a lot. More often than not, I pick up novels and other fiction.

The point I wanted to convey was that the book was worth reading.

Klara & The Sun Novel is about a robot named Klara that has feelings just like humans. Klara’s life sees a drastic end as she sacrifices her entire existence for a family that owns her, but later, she gets abandoned to be dismantled.

Having read Klara & The Sun Novel, we come to realize that even good-hearted people can not reach the level of goodness from robots, if they had feelings.

Which Book Is A Must-Read

I would say ‘How To Win Friends & Influence People’ by Dale Carnegie.

Keeping in view the impact which this book had in my life and the potential it has to impact other lives – I would give this book top position in list of my book recommendations.

Though ‘Klara & The Sun’ Novel is also good, but for me, it does not reach the level of ‘How To Win Friends & Influence People’ by Dale Carnegie.

Which Book Will Change My Life

I will come up with 2 book recommendations to answer this question. The first one would be ‘HOW TO WIN FRIENDS AND INFLUENCE PEOPLE’ by Dale Carngie and the second one would be ‘ATOMIC HABITS’ by James Clear.

The former book will change your relationships with people around you, and the latter one will take care of your habit-forming issues – both good and bad.

Having tackled these two issues, you will be a completely transformed person.

How Can I Choose The Right Book

Before learning what book is right for you, it is very important to understand the jargon of books you want to read. Two main divisions are fiction and non-fiction. Within these main sections, there are so many sections in which you can find thousands of the books.

Having chosen the category of the books, it becomes easier to pick the books that are highly recommended by book-bloggers and other active readers.


Having read at least 20 books a year over the past 15 years, I believe I am in a position to recommend ‘Good Book To Read’. Here is the priority-wise list of the books that I highly recommend to all book lovers.

  1. How To Win Friends And Influence People by Dale Carnegies
  2. The Richest Man In The Babylon by George Samuel Clason
  3. Klara & The Sun Novel by Kazuo Ishiguro


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