Introduction: The Mountain is you by Brianna Wiest
Everybody in the world has issues to deal with, and nobody thinks of what I am doing with my life as much as I do. This is the simplest message of Brianna Wiest’s book The Mountain is You. The book falls into the category of self-help books and has the potential to spread the message of living a worry-free life.
What Is The Book ‘The Mountain Is You’ About
The book ‘The Mountain is You’ by Brianna Wiest discusses inner conversations that keep most people stuck. It explains the theory behind why we remain blocked at certain points in life by thinking about other people’s opinions about us. We falsely assume that the world around us is thinking and pondering about us all the time. ‘The Mountain is You’ by Brianna Wiest explains that everybody in the world is so concerned about their own issues of life that they seldom think about us.
For What Type of Readers is the Book ‘The Mountain is You’ by Brianna Wiest about?
The book ‘The Mountain is You’ by Brianna Wiest is primarily a self-help productivity book. The book is highly recommended for a person who is strongly willing to change his/her current job, status, or place. The book gives a deep insight into the reasons of not being able to take the decisions because of assumed perception of the people around us. The book convinces the readers that other people’s opinions should be the least cause of worry to you. The way we do not spare a separate bracket of time from our routine to think about others, similarly, nobody has put us on their priority of thought.
What Does The Title Of The Book ‘The Mountain is You’ by Brianna Wiest Mean
The author Brianna Wiest believes that the mountain is formed because of two pieces of land applying pressure against each other. Eventually, the mountain emerges from the ground. Here is what the author says ”Just as a mountain is formed when two sections of the ground are forced against one another, your mountain will arise out of coexisting but conflicting needs”
Your Previous Self Is Not Able To Carry You Forward From This Point Onwards
The author of the book ‘The Mountain is You’ believes that it is okay to get rid of your former self, which has brought you up to this point. From this point onwards, you should be committed to becoming the person which you never thought you could become.
Criticism Comes From Anything Created For Public
The book ‘The Mountain is You’ explains that the criticism is the outcome of anything that has been created for the public. It portrays that no criticism can be attracted by any dream and idea that has been kept in heart and not shared. So the attracting of criticism is very natural for productive worker. That’s why, the criticism should not be the cause for you not doing anything that you know deep inside is right for you.
‘The Mountain is You’ by Brianna Wiest Supports ‘Let Them Go’ Approach
‘The Mountain is You’ helps us to understand that not everybody around you needs to understand what you are up to. If you are committed to something, and those around you are who are important to you, are not convinced by your plans and intentions, you will find them on the other side of the success. Not everyone around you needs to assimilate what you are up to.
‘The Mountain is You’ Emphasizes on Execution Today, Then The Plans For Tomorrow
‘The Mountain is You’ from Brianna Wiest makes us understand how ambitious plans with no emphasis on execution lead us to failure. The author believes that instead of flowery plans and ambitious ideas, what is more important is the progress achieved on that track this very day. Planning and strategy is though important, but beginning of the execution is the ultimate key to getting anything done.
Intentional Disorganization As an Excuse To Delay Priority Task
Brianna Wiest has introduced a strange concept in the book, which I did not see in any other self-help book. The author claims that we use disorganized surroundings as a means of procrastinating on important things. Having the atmosphere in a messy shape, our mind gives us every excuse of not being productive because of an un-productive atmosphere. Our mind also tells us that even if at all there is any time left to do something, it should be spent on organizing the surroundings. Resultantly, the actual priority task always remains backstage and never gets priority.
Seeking Fake ‘Protection’ By Remaining Busy- ‘The Mountain is You’
This had been a big mystery in my life, which has been cleared by Brianna Wiest. We must have seen some people around who keep themselves busy for no reason. Even if the task has been completed, they would generate a new task out of it but they can’t remain free of work. The author explains this as a way of ‘protection’ from facing society, or sometimes facing our real self. To keep ourselves engaged, we do not let our mind to wander on any of the things which we do not want it to wander on.
The Behavior of Dopamine Explained
Brianna Wiest has revealed a strange behavior of dopamine. For a long time, I happened to believe that dopamine gives the pleasure after something is accomplished. In reality, it is the opposite of what happens. The dopamine disappears when you have achieved the thing you wanted. Hence, the function of dopamine is to give you the pleasure of wanting more. It is precisely that very reason that after having accomplished one thing, we begin our race towards the next thing, because we need a continuous rush of dopamine.
Why People With Extremely High IQ Do Not Fit Into The Society
Brianna Wiest explains in book ‘The Mountain Is You’ that people with very high IQ do not usually get along with society. Since history, the genius people have been noted to have faced the consequence of the society, while the average people lived their life happily. It is because the genius people look at the life and society with a dimension that average people are not capable of. This offends the people around, and particularly those in power and authority.
The World Expects You To Carry On No Matter What
The weirdest thing about the society is that it expects you to carry on with your life no matter how grieved you are. If you lose someone extremely close to you. Giving a few days off and some words of sorrow is all that the world has to offer you. After that, it would be considered abnormal or awkward of you not to get back to the routine. If this is the level of significance which the society has to offer, why do we mold our complete life to please this society!
If Its Your Genuine Path, The Future Won’t Be Clear
Book ‘The Mountain Is You’ makes it clear that if the path on which you are on is genuinely your own path, then the destination won’t be clear to you. As you are following a path which has been pawed by your heart and you are not on a path directed by others, it is okay to have an ambiguity about the future. Let yourself be surprised to reach at the destination which you never thought was possible.
Is ‘The Mountain Is You’ a Christian Book
One of the repeatedly asked question about book ‘The Mountain Is You’ is a query that whether it is a Christian book. The answer to that is that book ‘The Mountain Is You’ is not associated to any particular religion, color and ethnicity. It is a universal book on self-help.
Book Summary : The Mountain Is You
The book is authored by Brianna Wiest and is on the subject of self-help. The book emphasizes on the importance of realization that we are not the sun around whom the world revolves. We unnecessarily stop ourselves from doing the things which we feel are good for us but are unable to do because of possible opinion of the world. The book says that everybody around has their own issues to face, and it is totally unwise to ruin our life because of fear of society’s reactions and remarks.
In a nutshell, book ‘The Mountain Is You’ by Brianna Wiest does fall in the category of topline self-help books. Grab your copy of the book by clicking here.
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