Book Review – Think & Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill – Focus24 Book Club
February 16, 2025 | by Faizan

Today’s book review is my all-time favorite ‘Think and Grow Rich’ Napoleon Hill. I just finished reading this book for 3rd time to write this book review, and trust me I happened to ask myself how come I missed this thing and that, once I read it first back in 2021. The book is such a treasure, every time you get into it, you get some gem. Stay with me for a few minutes and I will share with you all the gems that I could get, with the expectation that you go hunting a few others for yourself.
Before I proceed, I feel obliged to inform you that this book is the result of 20 years of unprecedented effort from the author Napoleon Hill. His research, analysis, and interviews with 500 of the most successful people in history have made him able to sum up all his efforts into a single book. This entire effort itself makes the book worthy of being read. All that data and research condensed into 280 pages book, which you can finish in a day. How would you justify not reading that book? I would leave that question to you. Moving ahead.
The book was published in 1937, and since then its sales have never dropped down. Over 15 million copies sold worldwide and the count continues. Before we dive deep into the book, let me clear the confusion over the title of the book. A few amongst us might perceive that as the title mentions the word ‘rich’ this must be the book on financial prosperity. However, the correct way of looking at the title is, ‘think’ & ‘grow rich’ which means, we need to amend ‘thinking’ for growth and richness. That richness does not necessarily mean financial richness only. For financial richness, I will recommend a short book that is far better than ‘Rich Dad-Poor Dad’. The book is ‘Richest man in the Babylon’. Back to Think and Grow Rich.
The book consists of 16 chapters and I will not bore you with listing each chapter’s name and consuming your valuable time. I will just share with you the concepts that looked fascinating to me. The most attractive thing about the book is that each of the chapters is based on an idea coupled with a real-life example to prove its authenticity. Like, when you read the chapter on Faith, it will be synced with the story of Mr Charles, and his contribution to the giant United States Steel Corporation. Similarly, every chapter would bring with it some great personality whose success was based on those principles. The personalities you will find repeatedly referred to in the book include Henry Ford, Theodore Roosevelt, John D. Rockefeller, Thomas Edison, and many more. Napoleon Hill has tried to reveal the thought process of these great men and to me has succeeded in doing that.
The concepts shared in the book are so significant, that the author believes that he did not see any of the 500 fortune makers, who did not possess the qualities, and he could not find any single person who had these qualities but was unsuccessful. I will reproduce here what Napoleon Hill writes in the preface ‘Somewhere, as you read, the secret to which I refer will jump from the page and stand boldly before you, if you are ready for it! When it appears, you will recognize it. Whether you receive the sign in the first chapter or the last chapter, stop for a moment when it presents itself and raise your glass to toast your epiphany’
Having discussed all the brilliance of the book, the one thing which my small mind feels should have been skipped in the book is ‘repetition’. While going through the book, you do encounter certain repetitions of ideas and examples, which could have been avoided. Overall a wonderful book to start with. If you want to give it a try, you can order your book through this link . That’s all for today, hope you like the blog. Till next time, stay hard, stay strong, stay focused with focus24.
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